1. Using DeepLearningKit in Apps
1.1 Using DeepLearningKit with iOS for iPhone and iPad Apps
If you want to use deep learning (e.g. for image recognition) in iPhone or iPad apps, this is an example tutorial how to do it.
1.2 Using DeepLearningKit with tvOS for Apple TV Apps
If you want to use deep learning (e.g. for image recognition) in Apple TV apps, this is an example tutorial how to do it.
1.3 Using DeepLearningKit with OS X for Macbook and iMac Apps
If you want to use deep learning (e.g. for image recognition) for work station, desktop or laptop apps on OS X based computers, this is an example tutorial how to do it.
2. Preparing Deep Learning Models for DeepLearningKit
2.1 Training and preparing models in Caffe for use in DeepLearningKit
This tutorial shows how to train and prepare a Deep Learning Model (Network in Network Convolutional Neural Network) in Caffe and use it in DeepLearningKit
2.2 How the Deep Learning Model importer (for convolutional neural networks) works (code walkthrough), and how a new importer can be made